What is HyPER?

HyPER project focus on establishing a hydrogen production and storage testing platform in Central Finland

  • Safe and viable hydrogen production with Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyser (AEMEL) optimized for solar and wind production and spot electricity prices.
  • Development of digital infra and control-oriented models for AEMEL and electrolyser hydrogen production and business landscaping.
  • Hydrogen storage with metal-organic framework, zeolite and bio-based carbon adsorbent storage media.

Total Funding: 407 000 € ( VTT ) | 458 000 € (JyU)

Project Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2025

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WP 1: Coordination

This work package handles the project’s overall communication, reporting, and adherence to the agreed plan. It ensures the funding agency is kept informed and facilitates collaboration among all parties involved. The coordinator establishes a steering group with representatives from the companies and funding agency and leads meetings for both the steering group and the general assembly of researchers.

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WP 2: Hydrogen Production Platform

This work package establishes a hydrogen production testing platform in three stages. The first stage focuses on design and procurement. This involves infrastructure planning to ensure a functional setup, addressing safety protocols and regulations. The core unit (AEMEL) and other components are identified, procured, and delivered on schedule. Risk assessments are conducted using VTT tools for thorough evaluation.

The second stage tackles platform installation and commissioning. The site is prepared according to VTT requirements. Equipment installation is overseen with a focus on safety, component functionality is verified, and a standard operating procedure is established. The final stage involves experimentation and demonstration. Experiments are planned to develop process models and test individual components. The platform is then operated dynamically to explore its capabilities in alignment with renewable energy patterns and electricity prices. Demonstration campaigns showcase the platform’s operation to stakeholders.

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WP 3: Digital Hydrogen and Business Landscaping

This work package focuses on digitalizing the hydrogen production platform and analysing business opportunities. The first component involves acquiring a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. This entails planning, selecting a vendor through tenders (hardware, connectivity, storage), preparing the installation site, and commissioning the system with a standard operating procedure. Component two delves into model development. Here, experimental data is used to create dynamic system models, focusing on electrolyzer stability and thermal dynamics. Model validation involves variable load testing compared to constant loads. Additionally, data analysis will assess potential stack degradation under these conditions.

The last component explores the business case. This involves analyzing the AEMEL electrolyzer’s potential for applications like storage, flexibility options, or power-to-X production, considering bioproduct mills and wind farms in Central Finland. It will also compare the financial benefits of various operating modes tested against constant operation. Throughout the project, collaboration with Business Jyväskylä will explore business opportunities for SMEs in Central Finland that align with the project’s goals.

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WP 4: Hydrogen storage in solid materials by adsorption

This work package investigates cost-effective hydrogen storage materials focusing on commercially available activated carbon and Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). Activated carbon production methods and potential biomaterial sources in Central Finland will be explored. MOF selection will prioritize commercially available options with further refinement for improved storage capacity, thermal and mechanical resistance. Additionally, activated carbon/MOF hybrid materials will be investigated. Zeolites, widely available industrial materials, will be explored for their potential in hydrogen storage, including utilizing waste streams. Detailed characterization of all materials will be conducted at the University of Jyväskylä. VTT will design, oversee manufacturing, and commission a testing rig for evaluating adsorbent-based hydrogen storage.

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WP 5: Communication and Dissemination

To disseminate project results, a communication plan will be formulated. This includes a project website, articles, social media, and workshops targeting companies, universities, R&D institutes, planners, and local businesses, especially SMEs.

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